Luffy fights list and anime in Sky Island Saga

Sky Island Saga
In the Sky Island Saga, Luffy visited 2 places: Jaya and Skypiea. In Jaya, Luffy fought Bellamy, who gold from Cricket. But Cricket is a friend of Luffy, so he decide to get gold back from Bellamy. After wining Bellamy, Luffy continue to go to Skypiea where everyone believes that it is a myth. Then, Luffy and crews met the God of Skypiea, Enel. And they have a great battle.

So this post, I will present 2 battle of Luffy. This is:
  • Luffy vs Bellamy.
  • Luffy vs Enel

Luffy vs Bellamy

Bellamy is the captain of Bellamy Pirate. He is a devil fruit user. The name of his fruit is Bane Bane no Mi which allows him to turn into a spring. He can jump very fast and enhance attacks thanks to his devil fruit. In that time, his bounty is 55,000,000 beri, so he was confident to defeat Luffy. However, Luffy had just defeated Crocodile and his new bounty is 100,000,000 beri. Finally, Luffy defeated him only one punch.
After losing, he trained very hard, and his bounty increased to 195,000,000 beri and he can use haki. After timeskip, he and his crews took part in Donquixote Doflamingo and gave Luffy some helps.

Luffy vs Enel

He is the God of Skypie. He ate a devil fruit, Goro Goro no Mi. It is a Logia-classed fruit. So he is extremely strong. His ability is using lightning to attack enemy. So no one can defeat him. But Luffy is a rubber man, so he can immunity to electricity. Therefore, only Luffy can fight against Enel.
Beside devil fruit, he can use Mantra, Kenbunshoku Haki. And his haki is enhanced by his devil fruit. He can read all thought of citizen in Skypiea. In the battle, he use this mantra to predict Luffy's movement. Therefore, Luffy found very difficult to fight him. Finally, with a little bit of luck, Luffy defeated him. 
After war, he arrived at moon and became a new God. If you want to know more, you should read this mini-series: Enel's Great Space Operations. And we will certainly meet him in New World.